Thursday, August 05, 2010

Chrome/Adobe PDF reader errors

I love the Chrome browser, but, in combination with Adobe Reader it frequently hangs reading PDFs. "There is an error reading the document", click OK and the same error.

Probably an Adobe error, but nevertheless the fact that it works with FireFox and IE but not Chrome looks bad.

Table indexing - CompArch

Table indexing - CompArch: "Table indexing
When I say that 'a table is indexed by a value V', I do not mean that all of the bits of V are used to form an address. Although that could be done, for something like a 64 bit address it could be a very large address.
Rather, I mean that the value V is used to determine what entry in the table is to be used. Some bits of V may be used as a number, to index the table. I call that RAM indexing. It may also use a hash of V.
Some or all of the bits of V may be matched against addresses already in the table. This is called CAM addressing.
RAM indexing and CAM indexing may be combined. E.g. RAM indexing may determine a set containing N tags, which are compared against the other bits of V to determine which entry within the set (often called which way of the set) should match.
For that matter, I also call it CAM indexing if bits of V are used to determine 1 of N bits, and that 1 of N code is compared to multiple entries in a table. See Decoded CAM versus Encoded CAM.
Thus, the term 'indexing' is general, not limited to the specific form of RAM indexing"

Cache Ways and Sets: opposing definitions

I have observed the following confusion in terminology wrt the meanings of "way" and "set" in a cache. I am most familiar with the terms as used at Intel, and earlier than that at Motorola and Gould.
I have encountered the alternate definition mainly with people [[DEC]] backgrounds,
although I am not sure that it is endemic.

First off, both camps agree on what is a 4-way associative cache.

E.g. let us discuss a 4-way associative, 64KiB cache, with 64B cache lines.
and a 64 bit physical address, with
* bits 0-5 are the *offset* within the cacheline
* bits 6-15 are the *index* within the cache
* the remaining bits, 16-63, are the tag

= My Terminology =

In the Intel terminology, the 10 index bits 6-15 select one of 1024 (2^10) "sets" within the cache.

Each set holds 4 cache lines. The tag bits of the address requested are compared to the tag bits of the 4 ways within the cache. If there is a match, the data for that way is accessed.

I.e. there are 1024 sets.  Each set holds an arbitrary subset of the 2^48 possible cachelines that map to that set, because they have that set's particular index field.

A way is one of the 4 elements within a set.
Although a set is an unordered collection,
we number the ways for reference:
 { set[index].way0, set[index].way1, set[index].way2, set[index].way3 }

A way can also refer to the collection of all of the ways of a particular number,
for all sets of all indexes.
It might be more correct to refer to this as a "way array"
 way0_array = { set[i],way0 } for all i = 0..2^48-1

but the term "way array" is seldom used.
Usually, way is disambiguated by context:
* "the processor allows you to lock down an entire way" (of the entire cache, across all sets of the cache)
* versus "address X is in way0 of set Y of the cache"

= Alternate Notation =

The alternate terminology, which I have observed mainly from DEC folk,
is to say that a 4-way associative cache has 4 sets (corresponding to "way array" above),
and that the i-th way is the set of the i-th element of each set,
where i is the index field of the address.

I prefer the other terminology, where "set" is unordered, as in mathematics.