Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Non-speculative or less speculative versus more speculative

When discussing [[speculative execution]] techniques such as [[speculative multithreading]] (or [[skipahead]], or [[slipahead]], or ... )
we often need to talk about less speculative and more speculative threads or instructions.

E.g. a later, younger, more speculative load instruction may be blocked by an earlier, older, less speculative store instruction to the same address.

E.g. in [[SpMT]] or [[SkMT]] a less speculative thread may fork a more speculative thread.

Often in early work we only talk about non-speculative threads forking,
and do not discuss the possibility of a speculative thread forking.
Late, it is realized that it is entiirely reasonable for speculative threads to fork.
Thus, often we need to read "non-speculative" in early work,
and implicitly substitute "less speculative".

E.g. a common [[speculative thread management policy]] is to always keep the least speculativethreads,
and cancel any more speculativethreads,
when there is an opportunity to spawn a less speculative thread.


Note that "less speculative" is not necessarily the same as "older".
E.g. in a [[fork-on-call]] thread, certain instructions may beindependent of the skipped code,
and be guaranteed to be executed;
whereas other instructions, inside a skipped function,
or older in the [[Von Neumann instruction sequence]],
but are actually more speculative, as in less likely to be executed.
However, it is often too hard to track this, so often discussions
will implicitly assume "less speculative" is "older".


Note that it is not always possible to determine the order of speculative threads or instructions.
E.g. one may fork loop bodies out of order, with no known order,
and later string them together as memory items iterated on by the loop are encountered.
However, arbitrarily imposing an order simplifies many speculative algorithms,
even at the cost of potential performance.


* See[[spawning versus forking a thread]].

Skipahead Multithreading

[[Skipahead multithreading (SkMT)]] is a form of [[speculative multithreading (SpMT)]]
characterized by "skipping ahead" at certain points in
[[non-speculative or less speculative versus more speculative|non-speculative or less speculative execution to more speculative execution]].

Typically these "certain points" in thecode are places
where there is a well characterized [[control independence or convergence]] point:
* the instruction after a CALL instruction
* end of loop
* later iterations of loop
* IF convergence

I, Andy Glew, coined the term [[SkMT]]
when it became evident that the term [[SpMT]],
which was itself coined by Antonio Gonzales and promoted by me,
was more generic.
I.e. you can imagine creating speculative threads
that do not really skip that far ahead,
but which, e.g. execute past a place where execution would bee blocked,
either an in-order blockage, or where an OOO window would be full.
See [[non-skipahead speculative multithreading]].

    Oooo.... I just created a new term: [[slip-ahead multithreading]]. It rather nicely encapsulates what I just described, and is consistent with published project names such as [[slipstream]].

In much the same way, I had earlier used the term [[implicit multithreading (IMT)]],
and replaced it by [[speculative multithreading (SpMT)]],
which I am now (after, 10 years ago, 2000) specializing to [[skipahead multithreading (SkMT)]].

The term [[skipahead]] is intended to be contrasted with [[lookahead]],
a term which was once used to characterize all [[out-of-order (OOO)]] execution.

    Look-ahead processors. Robert M. Keller, Princeton. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 7, Issue 4, Dec 1975.