Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Notions of Time in Computer Architecture

Advanced computer architecture admits several different notions of time.

= Real World Time =

First, there is [[real time]] or [[wall clock time]]. Time in the real world (forgetting Einsteinian relativistic issues for the moment).

Unfortunately, the term [[real time]], which would be the best term for this, is often overloaded with the additional meaning
of pertaining to a system that must respond in real time - e.g. "Drop the rods in the nuclear power plant quickly or the nuclear fuel will melt down."
Or "adjust the aileron pitch with a few milliseconds, or the plane will stall and crash."
These applications are often called [[hard real time]], and there are also [[soft real time]] applications that have less stringent timing requirements.

Because of the use of real time in phrases such as [[real time operating system]] or [[real time response]], terms such as [[wall clock time]] may be used.

== Absolute versus Relative ==

Real time (and, indeed, other times) may be absolute or relative.

Absolute time is wall clock time, or calendar time.

Relative time is the amount of elapsed time since some other event. E.g. one might start a timer on entering a function, and read it on exit.

Obviously, you can calculate relative timer from absolute time samples.
But, it can be considerably easier to build the hardware to measure relative time that it is to measure ab solute time.
Timers used in relative timing may be in isolation, whereas clocks measuring absolute time may need to be kept in synchronization
with other clocks in other systems.

== [[Timers versus Timestamps]] ==

Oftentimes appplications do not need actual time.
Instead, what they really need is timestamps that indicate relative position.
The application may care who came first or second, but not how much time elapsed between arrivals.

Therefore, some timer architectures provide absolute time in uppper bits,
but simply indicate a unique counter in the lower bits of a timestamp.

= Von Neuman Time =

In out-of-order and speculative processors,
even when single threaded, it is often convenient to talk about the
[[Von Neumann sequence number]] or [[Von Neumann time]].

On a single threaded program, this is the sequence number at which every and any [[dynamic instruction sequence]] executes.

The [[Von Neumann time]] or sequence number for an instruction is NOT the [[wall clock time]]
at which an instruction executes.
Even on simple in-order processors, where instructions may have differing [[instruction latency]],
the VN time is not linearly related to the wall clock time.
On complex out-of-order processors instructions that are later in the Von Neumman instruction sequence
may execute earlier in wall clock time (that's what makes them out-of-order).

The [[Von Neumann time]] or sequence number may be a convenient book-keeping tool.
* it is often made available in a [[simulator]] user interface
* I have proposed using it it [[hardware data structures]] such as store buffers and schedulers.
** When I talk about an "age based scheduler", I usually mean a [[Von Neumann age]] based scheduler.
** Of course, real hardware must implement a finite number of bits, typically wrapping

== Multithreading ==

The [[Von Neumann time]] or sequence number is unambiguous for a single threaded program.

For multithreaded programs that interact, it is necessary to establish correspondences - VN1 time of thread A corresponds to VN time of thread B,
at different points if interaction.

It should be seen that this multithreaded time is a partial order. Ideally one from which a total order can be constructed.
(Although certain microarchitectural interactions may imply cycles in such a time graph.)

I know of no standard term for this [[multithreaded time]]. [[Multithreaded Von Neuman time]].

I think that it might be nice to call it [[Lamport time]],
since Leslie Lamport was a pioneer in this area.

= Pipeline Time(s) =

Any given [[dynamic instruction instance]] desn't execute at a single point in time.,
Rather, it executes in different ways at many different points in tiime:
* [[instruction fetch time]]
* [[decode time]]
* [[schedule time]]
* [[operand ready time]]
* [[execution time]]
* [[register read time]]
* [[writeback time]]
* re-execution time]] or [[replay time]]
* [[commit time]]
* [[retirement time]]

Plus of course there is the
* [[Von Neuman time]] or [[Von Neumann sequence number]] of a [[dynamic instruction instance]].

For that matter
* the [[Von Neumann time]] relative to a given thread of execution
may differe from the
* [[Von Neuman time]] relative to the processor it is executed on
because of [[timesharing]] or [[multitasking]] between threads or processors.

= Simulator Times =

* Real time of the machine on which the simulator runs: [[simulator real time]]
* [[Simulated real time]] of the workload running on the simulator: [[simulatee real time]]
* [[Von Neumann time]] or sequence number for the workload running on the simulator.

This can be fully recursive. A simulator may be ruunning on top of a simulator on top of ...

= Conclusion =

Be careful what notion of time you are talking about.
It may not be the notion of time for the person you are talking to.

[[Microarchitecture]] is concerned with [[real time]].
[[Macroarchitecture]] is concerned more with abstract time, such as [[Von Neumann time]].
Systems that have different microarchitectures and hence different real time behavior,
may execute the same [[macroarchitecture]].
But, of course, [[macroarchitecture]] features such as [[ISA]] greatly influence [[real time]] performance.