Wednesday, December 02, 2015

.ignore files for version control systems

It is good to have .ignore files at the root of a project's repo. (bzr, hg, git, but not Perforce)

It is good to have global ignores - as the bzr manuals say "ignored files which are not project specific, but more user specific. Rather than add these ignores to every project, bzr supports a global ignore file ~/.bazaar/ignore

In addition to "per-user global", it is also good to have "global across an installation". Git has this, but not bzr.

How to Get a Refund For an iPhone, iPad, or Mac App From Apple

How to Get a Refund For an iPhone, iPad, or Mac App From Apple:

'via Blog this'

Many iPhone apps do not work as expected.

But getting refunds for them is more painful than on Android.

Another reason to prefer Android - if they can stop the security bleeding.