Tuesday, May 26, 2009

git directories not first class?

git apparently does not treat directories as first class citizens.

E.g. there apparently is no way to checkin an empty directory. Or, at least, no way to provide a log entry when creating a directory.

SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/ 441 : mkdir git-dir-example
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/ 442 : cd git-dir-example
Directory: /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 443 : got init
got: Command not found.
# my usual typo: got instead of git
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 444 : git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /fs30/home.directory.11/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/.git/
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 445 : git log
fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 446 : echo hi > there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 447 : git add there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 448 : git commit -m'there'
[master (root-commit) 2849a27] there
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 449 : git log
commit 2849a27602d10ec8192e931c5410491521f3fe73
Author: Andy Glew Linux
Date: Tue May 26 11:48:49 2009 -0700

SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 450 : git mkdir foo
git: 'mkdir' is not a git-command. See 'git --help'.
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 451 : mkdir foo
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 452 : git commit
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 453 : git add foo
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 454 : git commit
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 455 : echo hi > foo/there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 456 : git add foo/there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 457 : git commit
Waiting for Emacs...
[master aa4fd7d] foo/there
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 foo/there
SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 458 : git log
commit aa4fd7d713584ca2a3781f264fc9d48b1169f032
Author: Andy Glew Linux
Date: Tue May 26 11:50:01 2009 -0700


commit 2849a27602d10ec8192e931c5410491521f3fe73
Author: Andy Glew Linux
Date: Tue May 26 11:48:49 2009 -0700

SomeSecretHostname /users/glew/hack/git-hacking/git-dir-example/ 459 :

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that's because Git's index file (its staging area for commits) only lists files, not directories.

    You could probably make a tree object containing an empty directory by invoking the plumbing commands directly (e.g. git-mktree and git-commit-tree), but I think it would never get checked out because everything to do with the working copy goes via the index.
