Monday, August 03, 2009

AutoHotKey Swap Delete and Backspace

I found that the standard AutoHotkey technique to swap BS and Del


did not work for me, because I need to turn it on and off quite a lot as I move around.

So, I wrote the following.

Would post it to some AutoHotKey sharing site, but can't seem to access such at the moment.

; AutoHotkey Version:
; Language: English
; Platform: Win9x/NT/XP
; Author: Andy Glew:,
; Script Function:
; Swap Delete and Backspace
; with a menu to enable/disable.
; Why?: because I am constantly docking and undocking my laptop
; when undocked I don't need to swap Del and BS
; but when docked at work, with my Happy Hacker keyboard, I do.
; And I found that killing the script was a bit too annoying.


#InstallKeybdHook ; unconditionally installing the keyboard hook.
; TBD: may not be necessary
; TBD: may waste memory and slow down system

#SingleInstance force ; replace any already running instance of this script

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Autoexec'ed
Menu,DeleteBackspace,Add,Swap backspace and delete,ToggleBsDelSwapSetting
Menu,DeleteBackspace,Add,#!Del/BS - this menu to enable/disable,ToggleBsDelSwapSetting
SwapBackspaceAndDelete = 0

Menu,DeleteBackspace,ToggleCheck,Swap backspace and delete
SwapBackspaceAndDelete := SwapBackspaceAndDelete ^ 1


; #-Win, !-Alt, ^-Ctl, +-shift
; # right Win, etc.
; * - ignore other modifiers
; $ - prevent self-recursion (e.g. {Del} can send {Del}


; On the Happy Hacker keyboard, I need to swap Delete and Backspace

; TBD: I wish that I could create a function to do such swapping, but I seem to be unable to in AutoHotKey

;MsgBox Delete %SwapBackspaceAndDelete%
if ( SwapBackspaceAndDelete ) {
SendPlay, {BackSpace}
else {
SendPlay, {Delete}

;MsgBox BackSpace %SwapBackspaceAndDelete%
if ( SwapBackspaceAndDelete ) {
SendPlay, {Delete}
else {
SendPlay, {BackSpace}

;MsgBox NumPadDel %SwapBackspaceAndDelete%
if ( SwapBackspaceAndDelete ) {
SendPlay, {BackSpace}
else {
SendPlay, NumPadDel}


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