Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Links to MLP, Coherent Threading, Multistar

Urgh. Let me just add some links to the blog, from my Google docs "website" root:

Other Stuff

* MLP Yes! ILP No!
o presentation I gave at ASPLOS 98 WACI session
o preserved for more than 10 years by the session organizer at http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~kubitron/asplos98/final.html,
+ specifically http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~kubitron/asplos98/slides/andrew_glew.pdf
o a copy kept on Google docs: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=F.cb345d6b-c4ac-40c6-9e71-bf5d4d18af55
+ it is unclear if Google docs allows anyone to read this -i.e. it is unclear if one can "publish" to the world an uploaded presentation

* Multistar:
o The Story Behind Multistar: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dcxddbtr_40czbtrtf2
o Multistar PDF (2004): http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B5qTWL2s3LcQZDIyZDVmN2EtYjY4MC00YjU2LWE4ZGMtYzk2MmU4M2U2NDQ5&hl=en

* Berkeley ParLab talk on Coherent Threading: (2009)
o Coherent Threading
Coherent Vector Lane Threading (SIMT, DIMT, NIMT)
Microarchitectures Intermediate Between SISD and MIMD, Scalar and SIMD parallel vector
o http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B5qTWL2s3LcQNGE3NWI4NzQtNTBhNS00YjgyLTljZGMtNTA0YjJmMGIzNDEw&hl=en

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