Andy "Krazy" Glew is a computer architect, a long time poster on comp.arch ... and an evangelist of collaboration tools such as wikis, calendars, blogs, etc. Plus an occasional commentator on politics, taxes, and policy. Particularly the politics of multi-ethnic societies such as Quebec, my birthplace. Photo credit:
Monday, February 22, 2010
Microsoft Security Essentials (Virus Scan)
While I am happy that Microsoft is making Microsoft Security Essentials virus scanning available freely, so that we can imagine that such security is a standard part of the operating system... While I am happy to see this, I must admit that I wonder whether Microsoft will be as conscientious scanning for errors in non Microsoft software such as FireFox or Adobe as it is in scanning Microsoft software. This could become a powerful force for lock-in: Microsoft software is scanned for security flaws better than other software. Plus, of course, in Windows 7 non Microsoft virus scanners are deprecated.
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