My company provided PC is hung again. Just rebooted; hung again in trying to email via Outlook the same OneNote page that hung it in the first place.
My blog must be very boring. I mainly write in it when one of my machines is hung. Typically the Windows machine. That's the only time during the normal workday that I am free to do non-wprk stuff like blog. Actually, perhaps not even free then - maybe I should just grab a coffee. But gotta vent. Gotta think out loud.
One of the problems with these hangs is that I don't know if it will persist, or go away if I wait. So my BKM is to wait - for enough time to type in a quick blog entry such as this, or to get some tea. If it has unhung by the time I get back, great. If not, reboot. Which looks like what I'll have to do this time.
Hey: cloud apps are a form of micro-rebooting. If the cloud app hangs, you don't reboot your PC, you just reconnect. If your PC hangs... well, you may need to reboot your PC. It would be nice if the cloud app maintained session state, so that you could reconnect. More often than not, however, it's not the full local PC that hangs, just a browser.
Gotta get back.
Hung for the third time. Well, at least that's repeatable. Not that anyone in IT is likely to investigate. Rebooting. Read news while rebooting.