Thursday, February 09, 2012

Nested structure without parentheses

In my thoughts about PSON (Pseudo Object Notation), descended from Pseudo-XML and earlier Perl-SQL notation:

Stipulate the usual: nice parens and quotes.  I'm just looking to strip out visual clutter ad create a more human readable subset - e.g. so that muy debug lines can be parseable.

Earlier I blogged about letting = be a tighter binding strength than :. so that
s: a=1, b=2, t: 7
s: { a=1, b=2 }, t: 7
 There's no need for binding strength.  Can just have any name = or name : without an atom\
s= a=1 b:2, t=7
s= {a=1 b:2}, t=7

Delineating the end of the struct is an issue. Hinted at above by s= a=1 b:2, t=7

We can use whitespace separated elements, comma-separated, semi-colon separated, period separated as a hierarchy of nesting:

         a b, c, d, e; f g h, i j k

         (((a b), c, d, e); ((f g h), (i j k)))

Not general, because only three levels.  But human friendly, similar to what I do naturally in real life.

Q: intermixing : and = binding, and the blank/comma/semicolon separated lists?  Who binds first?

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