Thursday, March 08, 2012

Different device inputs => different passwords, different writing styles

I am probably not the only one to notice that the reasonably secure passwords I type fairly easily on my PC, or even with handwriting recognition on my Windows tablet, can be really painful to type on an iPhone or tablet with onscreen keyboard.

? Will there be a rash of security breakins because smartphone and tablet passwords are too easily broken?  Or at least the subset of easy typing common to both PCs and portable devices?

Today added a new device: a Kindle with keyboard.  Not the latest and greatest, but okay. I love the battery life.  I can access my wiki using the experimental web browser. But the keyboard... sheesh, I force myself to write in a different style. "Zero" rather than "0".

Still, nice when its the only device I have.

(And, yes, I have 2 Android tablets - and I prefer the Kindle. e-Paper. Battery life.)


  1. yeah funky passwords are a pain with on-screen keyboards.

    this helps:

  2. Ah, so you're a member of the "4 words" school of pass phrases? Now, although I fall on the other side of that meme - I like Steve Gibson's password haystacks myself - it may be necessary to deal with funky keyboards.

    Unfortunately, I still also deal with systems that have an UPPER limit on the password length. So the usual pass phrases often do not fit.
