Friday, June 29, 2012

Postfix if with else

Today I found myself writing

   do A if possible, else do B if possible, else error

English that is.

But it caused me to think about Perl's Postfix if

     statement if condition;
     if( condition ) {code} [[elsif(cond) {code}]* else {code}]

     if( condition ) {code}
     if( condition ) {code} else {code}
     if( condition ) {code} elsif(cond) {code} else {code}

Strange to many programming languages, but sometimes makes conde more readable.

I wonder if the posifix if woth else, that I wrote in English, might be worth thinking about.

Syntactically  it is a ternary operator:
      operand1  IF operand2 ELSE operand3

I vaguely recall disjoint operator and function syntax - Algol 68? or was it Algol 60? - ...

1 comment:

  1. VHDL can do this:

    some_signal <= some_value when some_condition_is_true else some_other_value;

    and even

    some_signal <=
    some_value when some_condition_is_true else
    some_other_value when some_other_condition_is_true else
