I have developed a system whereby I archive the "cruft" created by a crash into a tar file
so that I can recover autosave files if necessary, but so that they do not clutter my directory.
I just added a quickie to count the number of crashes saved, or at least an approximation thereof.
This is one of those "duh, why didn't I do this years ago" sorts of things.
EVERYTHING needs version control.
Even crash recovery files.
It sure is nice to have multiple versions of the same crash recovery file(name) , rather than having to rename them autosave.1 autosave.2, ... (Most important thing is to be able to name things. Second most important thing is to not have to name things.)
CRUFT_FILES= $(FM_CRUFT_FILES) $(PPT_CRUFT_FILES) FM_CRUFT_FILES= *.auto.fm *.backup.fm *.auto.book *.backup.book *.recover.fm *.recover.book PPT_CRUFT_FILES= *Autosaved*.pptx .PHONY: save-cruft save-cruft: archive-all-autosave-files .PHONY: archive-all-autosave-files archive-all-autosave-files: -echo $(PPT_CRUFT_FILES) | gtar -uf TAR.archived framemaker-cruft.tar -rm $(PPT_CRUFT_FILES) -echo $(FM_CRUFT_FILES) | gtar -uf TAR.archived-framemaker-cruft.tar -rm $(FM_CRUFT_FILES) make unlock-all-framemaker-files
.PHONY: ls-cruft ls-cruft: ls $(CRUFT_FILES)
.PHONY: count-crashes count-crashes: .PHONY: count-saved-crash-cruft count-saved-crash-cruft: gtar tvf TA*tar | perl -p -e 's/^([^ \t]+[ \t]+){3}([^ \t]+ [^ \t]+).*/\2/' | sort -u | tee >(echo "Unique timestamps (crash points in archive):" `gwc --lines`)
I am "version controlling" this cruft by appending to a tar archive.
ReplyDeleteThis loses much of the benefit of a VCS. But it is simple, and avoids conflicting with whatever VCS, typically a DVCS, I am currently using for the project.
This is another example of how I often end up using multiple VCSes in same directory. E.g. This here. E.g. When I used a local VCS like RCS because access to a centralized VCS is unavailable, network down. E.g. When the central VCS has policies that prevent me using it for all checking: e.g. I like "checkin early and often", yet many open source projects do not want to see every single checkin. E.g. When I want to VC scripts that generate docs, but tech pubs only wants the final scripts. E.g. When I want to VC the rough work leading to a design, but the official folk only want the final design.
Thus is also an example of another reason to want to be able to remove stuff from a version control system. Archived core dumps do not need to be kept forever, just until I am happy that I have recovered everything I need.